Equal Education is Indebted to the Following Organisations for Their Support

Cameron Schrier Foundation
The Cameron Schrier Foundation supports non-profit organizations primarily in the U.S. and South Africa. The Foundation also partners with organizations from around the world to help identify, support, and strengthen grantees. Since inception, the Cameron Schrier Foundation has worked to develop young leaders, promote education equity, encourage informed public discourse and an active civil society, and help communities in need.

Constitutionalism Fund
The Joint Fund to Promote and Advance Constitutionalism in South Africa (Constitutionalism Fund – CF) is a collaboration between The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Ford Foundation and The Open Society Foundations, with a combined investment of US$25 million to be spent on grantmaking over a ten to twelve year period.

Norad works for a greener future in a world without poverty, where human rights are respected and no one is left out. For decades we have seen progress, but the challenges in the world are still enormous. By 2030, the world will reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Norad will contribute to achieving the SDGs by being a partner for global development.

Norwegian People’s Aid
Norwegian People’s Aid is a politically independent membership-based organisation working in Norway and in more than 30 countries around the world. Founded in 1939 as the labour movement’s humanitarian solidarity organisation, NPA aims to improve people’s living conditions and to create a democratic, just and safe society. NPA’s international work covers three core areas: Mine Action and disarmament, Development and Humanitarian relief aid.

Open Society Foundations
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.

SAIH cooperates with more than 30 local organisations in seven countries in Latin America, Southern Africa and Asia. In addition to long-term development projects, they do advocacy work in Norway and internationally, in order to improve the conditions for education and development globally.

South Africa Development Fund
The South Africa Development Fund (SADF) is a U.S. tax-exempt public charity directed by South Africans who have a vast knowledge of the issues in their country and strong ties to the United States. Established in 1985 by political exiles, SADF provides grants to community-based organizations committed to non-sexist, non-racial, democratic practices and which address human rights through health, education, economic development, environmental justice and democracy-building. SADF seeks to use philanthropy to promote grassroots activism aimed at providing services and resources to communities disadvantaged by decades of apartheid policies.

The Bertha Foundation
The Bertha Foundation believes that bright ideas, combined with resources and strong leadership, can create profound social impact. We believe in the power of social activism to generate social, political, economic and environmental change. We believe in passionate individuals and projects that can effect change on a local or global scale. We hope those touched by The Bertha Foundation will in turn be inspired and motivated to create meaningful opportunities for others.

The Claude Leon Foundation
The Claude Leon Foundation is a South African charitable trust, resulting from a bequest by Claude Leon (1884-1972).

The Norwegian Agency For Exchange Cooperation (NOREC)
The Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (Norec) is an executive body under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our aim is to help achieve the overarching goals of Norwegian development policy, which form part of Norway’s integrated approach to implementing the 2030 agenda.
We do this through mutual exchange. This means that we work with international partners who want to use the exchange model to learn from each other and develop.

The Raith Foundation
The RAITH Foundation is concerned that systemic injustice and unfairness prevail in South Africa and seeks effective and lasting solutions, which address this at its roots.

The Sigrid Rausing Trust
SRT is a UK grant making foundation, founded in 1995 by Sigrid Rausing to support human rights globally. Since then, the Trust has given away approximately £191.9 million to human rights organisations all over the world.