Careers Indaba 2010

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* Please check our website regularly for information about the Careers Indaba 2011

For Organisations and Companies:

The inequalities that pervade the education system extend beyond the confines of the classroom and affect school learners in a number of ways. They permeate the opportunities available to students, as well as the resources available to them for post-schooling opportunities. In recognition of this, Equal Education and Ikamva Youth have decided to host a Careers Indaba.


The Careers Indaba takes place every year. We target grade 10-12 learners in poor and working class areas. The vision of the Career Indaba is to open up new opportunities for school learners, providing them with information regarding the various programmes, resources, and support structures that are available to them. By educating learners about the available choices and opportunities, we seek to empower them to make informed decisions about their future endeavours


If you are from a university, college or further education and training institution (FET); can provide information about scholarships, education grants, financial air bursaries; have volunteer or internship opportunities, learnerships or Gap year placements please contact us at 


For Learners:

What is the Careers Indaba?

Do you know what you want to do after school? This is a hard decision, one that requires lots of information and careful consideration.  The vision of the Careers Indaba is to expose you to new opportunities, provide information about the various study options, learnership and volunteer programmes, resources, and support structures. In addition, the Careers Indaba will offer workshops on CV writing, interview techniques and personal development. These are skills that you will need wherever your path takes you! 

Why is it important for me to come? 

Whether you want to continue your studies, start working, or find out about on-the-job training, these choices require information and planning. Alternatively do you want to apply for a volunteer program or an internship?  It is important to start investigating all your options now. At the Careers Indaba you will be able to talk directly to people who are able to guide you in the right direction.

What are my options?

1) You can continue your studies. Do you want to be a teacher, a doctor, an electrician, a lawyer, a hairdresser, an actor, a psychologist, a farmer, a scientist, an account, or a nurse? All these positions require you to study further. At the Careers Indaba we will discuss your options for universities, colleges and Further Education Training (FETs).

How am I going to pay for my studies?

We understand the great difficulty that you may encounter in trying to fund your tertiary studies. At the expo you will find experts ready to help you navigate through the financial process of funding your education. We have provided countless pieces of information on the following options: various bank loans, government loans, particularly through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, scholarships and bursaries. Where there is a will, there is a way!

2) Working and on-the job training 

Do you want to make your own way and be an entrepreneur? Find out what is involved in running a business or learn while working through learnership programmes? At the Careers Indaba you will be to find out about these various options. 

3) Volunteering, internships and GAP year programs. 

Do you want to spend some time deciding what your next step is, or getting to know yourself and the world around you better? Do you want to give back to your community or volunteer and gain valuable experience in a specific field?  The Careers Indaba will give you the opportunity to find out more about this.

What if I don’t know what I want to do?

That’s okay too! At the Careers Indaba we will help you start thinking about your options, introduce you to inspiring and interesting people who can give you ideas and help you to make informed decisions while also giving you other very important skills.