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Mischievous’ comments slammed by unions
Trade unions reacted angrily on Tuesday to the government's claim that it had made a new wage offer to public servants as they entered the seventh day of a national strike.
"That is not a new offer from the government. Its offer is still seven percent. The government is just misleading the public," said South African Democratic Teachers' Union deputy general secretary Nkosana Dolopi.
Government spokesperson Themba Maseko said on Monday that there was only one tenth of a percentage difference between the unions' demands and the state's offer.
He said the government was "in real terms" offering an 8.5-percent increase, while the unions were demanding an 8.6-percent hike.
Maseko said additional to a seven-percent increase, there was a 1.5-percent pay progression, which came to a total of 8.5-percent.
Unionists slammed his statement as "mischievous".
"The question of the pay progression has always been there… A collective agreement on the pay progression was signed in 2003," said Dolopi.
WCED Response to EE’s Letter of Demand for Textbooks for Chris Hani and Kwamfundo Matrics
Click here to read the original letter.
Joint statement: Equal Education and the Equal Education Law Centre welcome National Treasury’s three year extension of the School Infrastructure Backlogs Grant to help tackle overcrowding in our schools
24 April 2023 Joint statement: Equal Education and the Equal Education Law Centre welcome National Treasury’s three year extension of the School Infrastructure Backlogs Grant to help tackle overcrowding in our schools Equal Education (EE) and the Equal Education Law Centre (EELC) welcome the decision by National Treasury to maintain the School Infrastructure Backlogs Grant […]
Equal Education statement: Victories in 2022 in the struggle for quality and equal education for all in South Africa
Equal Education media statement: Victories in 2022 in the struggle for quality and equal education for all in South Africa This year, Equal Education (EE) members – learners (Equalisers), post-school youths, parents and teachers have made important progress in the struggle for quality and equal education for all in South Africa. These victories range from […]
RE: Learners Involved in Equal Education’s Campaign Against Late Coming
4. This campaign organized by high school learners, supported by EE, and aimed at learners themselves. As such, the campaign aims to motivate learners to come to school on time.
5. This campaign aims to instil in learners a respect for the value of school. As such, the campaign supports principals and teacher in motivating learners to value their own education.
Click here to view the letter
Minister of Basic Education to address 12th Graders in Khayelitsha
The Minister of Basic Education is expected to speak at 9:00 am this Saturday 24 April 2010 at KwaMfundo High School. Minister Angie Motshekga’s speech will be preceded by a march hosted by Khayelitsha Education Forum (KEF) which will commence at Luhlaza High School at 8:00am and is scheduled to end at KwaMfundo High School at 9:00 am. The March is in support of KEF’s 100% pass-rate campaign to motivate grade 12 learners from all over Khayelitsha to pass Matric.
Equal Education welcomes the presence of the Minister Angie Motshekga in Khayelisha and proudly supports the 100% pass-rate campaign. Equal Education will attend the KEF March andhopes to have an opportunity to raise concerns with the Minister, including the need for her to respond favourably to the Campaign for School Libraries.
South Africa: Equal Education’s Bookery Opens its doors in Cape Town
The book collection drive that EE is running in Cape Town, based in Roeland Street, was reported on in a French website that features stories from Africa. To read the article, click here.
EE’s ‘Bookery’ Opens its doors in Cape Town
Donate books to the EE Bookery to stock school libraries across Cape Town.
School libraries in South Africa are in a desperate state. Only 7.23 % of public schools have functional libraries; 13.47% have a library space without books or a librarian; and a massive 79.3% do not have a library.
Equal Education (EE) is committed to addressing this issue under the banner of our ‘Campaign for School Libraries’. ‘The Bookery’, situated where Charly’s Bakery used to be (at 20 Roeland Street Cape Town) is the home of one branch of this campaign: the EE book drive.
For more information, please email thebookery@equaleducation.org.za, contact Themba on 021 461 4189 or just drop by in Roeland Street.
Please donate your favourite books in top condition!
Report on Thursday’s Picket
On 17 February, Equal Education (EE) held its first picket of the year. Learners gathered outside Parliament as the light faded to highlight the education crisis in the Eastern Cape. It was inspiring to see EE’s members demonstrating so strongly again.
With help from Cape Town High School, who lent us desks and chairs, a make shift classroom was set up under the trees to symbolise what so many learners in the Eastern Cape have to tolerate daily. Photos showing the conditions in the province were tied to the fence. The ‘class’ was addressed by speakers, including EE’s young leaders, Nokubonga Ralayo and Pharie Sefali, who were the MCs for the event. Both gave stirring speeches about what is happening in the province.
Major Action book test
Major Action book test
Research Papers book test
Research Papers book test