Equal Education Press statement
For Immediate Release
06 February 2012
Tomorrow, 7th February 2012 Equal Education members in Tembisa township will be running a campaign aimed at reducing late coming in their schools. Many schools. Many school across the country suffer from the problem of late coming. Research done by Economics Professor Martin Wittenberg of UCT shows that 20% of South African learners arrive late for school each morning, and that 20% of teaching time is lost due to late coming and absenteeism.
There are various reasons why learners arrive late for school. These include domestic responsibilities and long distances which learners have to travel to school. Equal Education's campaign is about learners challenging themselves to arrive at school on time, and parents and teachers supporting them in this endevor.
For this whole week EE members at Zitikeni, Ingqayizivele and Tembisa High Schools will be standing outside their school at 7:30am. These learners will be holding placards with encouraging messages to other learners at their schools, and handing out pamphlets educating learners about the importance of teaching time and advising them on practial steps which they can take to ensure that they arrive at school on time.
For more information contact:
Ntombi Chauke: 083 371 4151
Clement Mashaba: 078 556 2007