Equal Education to tweet, email, fax and write to Minister Motshekga telling her to FIX OUR SCHOOLS!

Home | Equal Education to tweet, email, fax and write to Minister Motshekga telling her to FIX OUR SCHOOLS!

On Tuesday, 25 September 2012, Equal Education (EE) will hold a picket from 13h00-16h00 outside Parliament in Cape Town. Stations will be set up where the public canwrite letters, send emails and fax messages to Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga telling her to sign minimum norms and standard for school infrastructure.

Laptops, with internet connections, will be set up outside Parliament. During the picket members of the public can send emails to Minister Motshekga asking her to fulfil the promise she made to promulgate norms and standards for school infrastructure. There will also be tables where people can write letters and postcards to the minister. The public will also be able to ‘tweet’ at Minister Motshekga (@DBE_SA) using the hashtag #FixOurSchools and #BuildTheFuture.

EE will also display FIX OUR SCHOOLS: AN EXHIBITION. This interactive exhibition allows members of the public to experience the poor infrastructure standards at South African public schools across the country. People will also have the opportunity to add their name and face to EE’s virtual picket. These pictures will be emailed to Minister Motshekga and then uploaded to EE’s Facebook page and blog.

Virtual picket pictures that have already been sent to EE by members of the public will be on display outside Parliament. These have come from across South Africa and from overseas – including Belgium and the United States of America.

EE has been campaigning for two years to get Minister Motshekga to promulgate minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure. Norms and standards would ensure that every South African learner is able to access a basic level of infrastructure at their school. At present schools are not required by law to have functioning libraries, effective sanitation facilities, well stocked laboratories or even safe classrooms.

Earlier this year EE filed papers in the Bisho High Court seeking an order that would force Minister Motshekga to set minimum norms and standards. The court date is set down for 20 November 2012.

For more information please contact

Kate Wilkinson (media office) on 082 326 5353

Adams Sack (event organiser) on 083 794 1111