In January and February of 2012, Equal Education's Community Department ran a School Governing Body campaign. The aims of the Campaign were to:
- raise awareness among Khayelitsha parents about the role of SGBs and their importance
- mobilise parents to participate in the SGB elections in March
- get EE parents elected onto at least two Khayelitsha SGBs

Our strategy was to focus our efforts on the schools and the parents in the broader Site B Area in Khayelitsha. We met with principals of primary and high schools in the area, introduced EE and our work and offered to assist increase parental involvement at the school. We also asked for an opportunity to address parents at a school meeting, and to invite interested parents to EE workshops.
We visited the principals of the following schools: Matthew Goniwe HS, Masiyile HS, Umnangaliso PS, Sakumlandela PS, Lwandle PS, Ntwasahlobo PS, Soyisile PS and Ikhusi PS. At Matthew Goniwe, Masiyile, Sakumlandela and Lwandle the principal gave us an opportunity to speak to parents at a school meeting. We subsequently held workshops introducing EE to interested parents at these schools.

We brought parents together for two SGB workshops in Khayelitsha, as well as a caucus meeting where parents decided who they would put forward to be elected onto SGBs. Together with PCR we produced an SGB leaflet, which was distributed to parents, schools and Equalizers, and participated in a talk show on Khayelitsha community radio station, Radio Zibonele. We also had Dalton Ndongeni produce banners advertising the SGB elections at Sakumlandela, Lwandle, Matthew Goniwe and Masiyile.
All schools have now held their SGB elections. Four EE parents at three schools in the greater Site B area were elected onto the SGB. They are:
- Matthew Goniwe HS: Anelisa Matibe
- Joe Slovo HS: Veronica Mashiyi and Nomalinde Xoieie
- Sakumlandela PS – Nomzekelo Phamla
We hope that these parents will play an important role in the running and development of these schools. We have also managed to build good relations with the principals of Matthew Goniwe, Masiyile, Lwandle and Sakumlandela, and hope to be able to increase our involvement in and assistance to these schools.