Jacana, The Book Lounge and the Cape Times Team Up to Support Equal Education

Home | Jacana, The Book Lounge and the Cape Times Team Up to Support Equal Education

As Posted on the Books Southern Africa The Internet Newspaper for SA Books

Jacana Media is delighted to announce a new partnership with The Book Lounge and the Cape Times that will see 10% of sales during Jacana launches at Cape Town’s beloved indie bookshop donated to Equal Education, the NGO fighting for access to better education for all South Africans.

As Book Lounge proprietor Mervyn Sloman wrote on BOOK SA earlier today:

From next week at all Jacana launches at the Book Lounge, ten percent of the sales of the book we’re launching will be donated to Equal Education to aid their brilliant and essential campaign to stock school libraries. Thanks to our partners in this – Jacana and the Cape Times. The first launch to which this applies is Kopano Matlwa’s Spilt Milk next Wednesday – another reason to join us for what promises to be an entertaining conversation between Kopano and Lauren Beukes. Look forward to similar initiatives going forward. In addition, the Bookery (collection point for Equal Education) have supplied us with a rather striking collection bin for donations of books for the school libraries. Peeps, have a scratch around and see if you have any books that are in decent condition and appropriate for school libraries and drop them off here.

The Bookery

Like Mervyn said, it all starts with Kopano Matlwa’s launch on April 28th. See you there!

To see the original article please click here.