Media alert: Today Equal Education members will be picketing outside the Eastern Cape Department of Education (ECDOE) to demand that government fix and fund our schools!

Home | Media alert: Today Equal Education members will be picketing outside the Eastern Cape Department of Education (ECDOE) to demand that government fix and fund our schools!

23 February 2021

Media alert: Today Equal Education members will be picketing outside the Eastern Cape Department of Education (ECDOE) to demand that government fix and fund our schools!

Today at 4pm Equal Education (EE) members will be picketing outside the Mandla Makhuphula Institute in East London to remind the provincial and national government of its duty to fix the inequality between schools! 

As the ECDoE rightfully celebrates the province’s matriculants today, we must not forget that there are many other learners still struggling because the ECDoE has failed to provide all public schools with what learners and teachers need for a quality education. In many public schools with overcrowded classrooms and unsafe toilets, and where taps run dry, learners and teachers fight against the odds to achieve excellence. This is an unfair burden. 

By the end of last year, the ECDoE had again failed to comply with the deadlines of the Norms and Standards for Public Schools Infrastructure. The legally binding deadlines demand that by now all schools should have been provided with enough classrooms, electricity, water, and safe toilets – as well as with perimeter fences, telephones and internet access. 

The recent cuts to the basic education budget mean that we are moving further away from the deadlines and targets demanded by the school infrastructure law. Over the years, we have seen government place less importance on education when deciding how to spend its money, and last year, education funding started decreasing year on year. Earlier this year it was reported that the ECDOE has paused almost all building projects because there isn’t enough money. These budget cuts have devastating  consequences for learners and teachers. 

We demand an economic recovery plan that prioritises education! Education is a right, not a privilege!

When: Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Time: 4pm 

Where: Mandla Makhuphula Leadership Institute, 25 Epsom Road, Stirling, East London. 


To arrange an interview, contact:

Jay-Dee Cyster (Equal Education Communications Officer) 082 924 1352