
Equal Education welcomes Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga’s curriculum review. It aligns with the call made by our 2016 [Draft] Education Charter, for the decolonisation of the schooling curriculum.

The draft Charter, affirmed at our Teaching and Learning Summit in July 2016, states that the decolonisation of the curriculum must extend beyond content, and that teaching pedagogy must also be critically reflected upon.

We consider transformation and the decolonisation of knowledge as integral to building a nation characterised by freedom and equality. Expanding the curriculum to be inclusive of South African and African history, science and literature alongside the knowledge of the rest of the world will provide present and future generations with intellectual tools to reach this goal. We are aware that decolonisation is a progression which requires worldly knowledge such as Shakespeare, but it should not take first priority.

The draft Education Charter aims to offer guidance in alleviating education struggles in the South African education system. Equal Education continues taking strides in ensuring that the education system is fair and equal for all children. The proposed curriculum review by the Department of Basic Education is a necessary step in transforming an education system which still does not offer room for African knowledge. Additionally, decolonisation of the curriculum will pay respect to African heritage while allowing citizens to restore their identity and dignity stripped through the brutality of colonialism and apartheid.

Minister Motshekga has stated that the literature review process will commence in 2018 and conclude in 2020. We see no reason to prolong an issue which continues to make it difficult for the nation to achieve freedom and equality 23 years into our democracy.

Equal Education strongly believes that neglecting Africa and African knowledge, perpetuates the culture of colonialism and oppression. This forces generations of young people born in a democracy to remain oppressed and defeated beings in the country of their birth. We see the curriculum review process as a step in restoring the dignity of the African people and we hope that the DBE will undertake this process with zeal and careful planning.

For further comment:
Mila Kakaza (Spokesperson for EE) 076 553 3133