Minister of Basic Education to address 12th Graders in Khayelitsha

Home | Minister of Basic Education to address 12th Graders in Khayelitsha

The Minister of Basic Education is expected to speak at 9:00 am this Saturday 24 April 2010 at KwaMfundo High School.  Minister Angie Motshekga’s speech will be preceded by a march hosted by Khayelitsha Education Forum (KEF) which will commence at Luhlaza High School at 8:00am and is scheduled to end at KwaMfundo High School at 9:00 am. The March is in support of KEF’s 100% pass-rate campaign to motivate grade 12 learners from all over Khayelitsha to pass Matric.


Equal Education welcomes the presence of the Minister Angie Motshekga in Khayelisha and proudly supports the 100% pass-rate campaign. Equal Education will attend the KEF March andhopes to have an opportunity to raise concerns with the Minister, including the need for her to respond favourably to the Campaign for School Libraries.