New Leadership Committee elected

Home | New Leadership Committee elected
Yesterday, at a mass meeting at Look Out Hill, a considerable part of EE’s Leadership Committee (LC) for 2012 was elected. Schools not sufficiently represented at yesterday’s meeting will be able to elect their leaders at a later stage.
EE’s LC comprises two representatives from each of the schools where EE is active. LC members represent fellow equalisers, organise and mobilise learners within their respective schools and engage with their teachers and school principals to explain EE’s work and campaigns. The Committee meets regularly in order to remain informed about political and organisational matters. Leadership representatives also hold their own meetings at schools, where they share these updates with other equalisers.

We congratulate this new corps of leaders and wish them a productive 2012.

A big topic of conversation at yesterday’s mas meeting was the upcoming December camp in the Breede River Vallye. This week, the Khayelitsha office has been abuzz with comrades arriving from other provinces to help with camp preparations. The arrival of the national comrades has been a welcome reminder of the pace and extent that the movement for equal and quality education is growing. 
View pictures of the mass meeting here.