Statement by the Presbyterian Church of Africa General Assembly Stated Clerk Rev Ben Mdingi: No To School Vandalism and Burglary

Home | Statement by the Presbyterian Church of Africa General Assembly Stated Clerk Rev Ben Mdingi: No To School Vandalism and Burglary

The Presbyterian Church of Africa supports Equal Education’s call to protect our schools from being burgled and vandalised.

We are a society that deserves quality education with quality infrastructure. The little resources that we have should not be destroyed. It has been proven beyond doubt that destruction of what we have does not take the nation to any heights. We are therefore calling upon people of this beloved country to speak out against school burglary.

We must inculcate in the minds of our people a sense of ownership and belonging when it comes to these schools. The time we live in requires that every citizen guard and protect our schools.

We cannot allow a moment where our children will be traumatised by hooligans that seek to derail the future and progress of learning and teaching.

South Africans, let us join hands to curb Covid-19, to bring to an end the vandalism and burglary in our schools

Statement by PCA General Assembly Stated Clerk
Rev Ben Mdingi.
21 April 2020